Morals Without Faith
by Paul Stout
To confuse faith
with some of the objects of faith is a basic error.
Faith is a method, a tool, a means of deciding what to
believe. It is the practice of believing without
evidence. Faith is based on feelings, not facts. What
one believes in, by faith, depends on one's feelings.
Truth is that which conforms to the facts. Conformity
to facts can only be determined by examining the facts.
Since faith does not deal in facts (only feelings), it
cannot define the truth.
The objects of faith are the ideas believed in, on the
basis of faith; for instance, particular moral
The idea that all moral
questions are exclusively the monopoly domain of
religion; that is, of faith is a fundamental error.
This implies that morals
are, ultimately, a purely arbitrary, subjective matter,
based on feelings, and not necessarily having any
relation to facts.
Since faiths differ, ideas of what is moral differ. If
you have faith in the Koran, you believe that it is
moral to kill everyone who believes differently (K 8:40
Morality is a code of values to guide one's choices and
actions. Morality needs not be based on arbitrary
feelings or personal emotions. Morality can be based on
The concept of Life is what makes the concept of Value
possible. Value is that which one acts to gain or keep.
We are living beings of free will, and we need morality
in order to choose how to live.
The standard of value of a rational morality is man's
life; or, that which is required for man's survival as
a rational being. These requirements include thinking
and productive work.
A person's own life is his objective moral purpose.
A rational morality consists of those values which
support one's life as a rational being.