1962 W.W. Samuell Shirt

1962 High School Shirt1962 High School Shirt Fellow Classmates,

Back in May 1962, my parents gave me a shirt designed for friends to sign in permanent ink. Listed below are the 85 people who signed. The last time I wore the shirt was at our 20th reunion and Jane Jones (aka Patsy Pierce) signed it for the second time. In April 2002, I donned the shirt for the photos on the left (click to enlarge -- photo will auto close after 5 seconds). Yes, I can still wear it!

Almost all the signatures, although faded, are still easily readable. As memento for our 40th reunion, I have linked each name to its signature. For ease of surfing, the signature will auto close after 5 seconds. About 30% of the people signed and about 70% printed their signature. It was not easy to write on the shirt back in 1962 and it is amazing to see after 40 years that the signatures are still here. Please click on some names below. I brought the shirt to our 50th reunion!

I also brought the shirt to our 60th reunion held on October 22, 2022.
It was fun to show it to the 10 signers in attendance!

It's sad to realize how many of our classmates are no longer with us. I've bolded their names.

       Best wishes, Don Parrish

7 Teachers Signed

Betty Brown Elizabeth Mitchell Olga Murley Lyla Tisdale
J.M. Ibbotson Nick Morris Alice Pickens  

78 Seniors Signed

James Adams Pat Davis Margie Juricek Dale Prather - obit
Nancy Adams - obit Freddy Dean Sharon King Sammy Reese
Anita Apel Margaret Diden Shirley King David Sanders
Barbara Archer Carolyn Duggan Wayne Lancaster Lester Schneider
Sandra Bailey Kaye Duncan - obit Jerry Lunday Rufus Scott - obit
Tommy Bennett Ronnie Echols Joe Mattingly - obit John Skinner
Jim Benson Ronnie English Fred Moncrief Cecile Smith
Virginia Bolding Sandy Faircloth Lana Moore Mike Smith - obit
Bobbie Kay Brooks Shirley Flowers Nita Moore - obit Tommy Smith- obit
Harvey Burke Phil Fox Dyannia Mulkey Susie Starr
Sherry Campbell Joan Furrh Dean Northcutt - obit O.W. Stateler
Cynthia Capps Elaine Goodman Joe Orsak Lanny Turrentine
Linda Cartledge Shelia Grimes Wayne Owens Johnny Vilet
Gary Casey Jane Harvey Ronnie Parish Genieva Vincent
Jimmy Coffer Bill Hearne Glenda Parks -- obit Mike Wallace
Mike Collins Bill Hollywood Beverly Patterson Gary Watson
Pat Cook David Holt Patsy Pierce Mike Wiles
Bob Creecy Barbara Howard Dorthy Pike Tommy Woodridge
Beth Culpepper Gene Jones Mary Poole  
Francis Davis Jimmy Jones Anita Powell Jane Jones (1982)