Visit to Springfield, Illinois in 2003

In May of 2003, I visited Springfield to attend my first state convention of the Sons of the American Revolution. While in was in Springfield, I took the opportunity to visit Lincoln's home and tomb as well as the Dana-Thomas House which Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built in 1904. Click thumbnail and larger photo will autoclose in about 10 seconds.

Photo of Stephen Bradley I met Stephen Bradley, President of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Photo Lincoln Home This is the only house Lincoln ever owned. He left Springfield for Washington in 1861, never to return.
Photo of Lincoln's Desk On this desk Lincoln wrote the famous "House Divided" speech. Note the vibrant carpet pattern. Lincoln's Bed Lincoln's bed. Note the colorful and flowery wall paper pattern.
Photo of Lincoln's Tomb The is the front of Lincoln's tomb. Note the heroic statues. Photo of Lincoln Tomb Everyone wants to touch Lincoln's shiny nose.
Photo of LIncoln Tomb The is the rear view of Lincoln's tomb. Note the heroic statues Photo of Lincoln Tomb "Now he belongs to the ages."
Photo of Dana-Thomas House This wonderful house has 16,000 square feet. It seems like a block long. Photo of Dana-Thomas House You can see thru the house at this point. Note the old state capitol.